Beyond Mothering

Mothers are not only people who give birth to us, they are also women who nurture, and love us. At least that’s how it’s traditionally been. It may have changed somewhat with the coming of the women’s revolution and all, which is perfectly fine with me. In fact, I very much support it. But I can also see how some children miss the loving energy of some of today’s “modern” households. Fortunately for me, I’m old enough to know that the households of yesteryear could be just as unloving. So there is no perfect formula for love. But I was lucky, because I had parents who loved me so much, that it is enough for this life and the lives that will follow. That is the job of love: permanence. It continues to live. Love is the true preparation for life. That’s why when you have truly loved somebody, you will find it impossible to ever not love them, and that includes everybody. Because not all people have had great experiences with their folks, but people should realize that shortcomings are not deliberate. They are just limits. Love is the spirit of forgiveness; it is for those who are trying to understand how to reach the mountaintop. That’s why love is such a moving experience. And that’s why it is also so irresistible. Because once you have tasted it, you you will not want to taste anything less. You will be stuck, So there is no other choice but to spread it! Love is not supposed to be just a local orgasm, it should be a global experience. It should teach you something bigger, and far beyond yourself, like how to be loving towards others. In my personal case, my Mom not only loved me enough for 100 life times, she also taught me what it looked like to love others. And in my opinion, that was the greatest gift of all. Because it’s when others feel the beauty and sincerity of your love, that they tend to want to join the party, which is really what love is about. Love is a celebration of totality. It is a come one, come all, kind of thing. It excludes nobody, no matter what. Everybody is welcome. So on this Day that we attribute to Mothers, I want to reach out to all my dearest friends and loved ones, even those yet unknown, with this message of love: Don’t make the mistake of only loving your mom or dad, husband or wife, sister, brother or children. Love everybody, because we are all one. They are telling people lies to divide us, because in division they are powerful. But when we unite, we become the source of power. That’s how we reach the mountaintop! Happy Mother’s Day Ladies!!! dwp

Thank you Mom, I Love You! ❤️❤️❤️